
OpenPipeline for Maya MEL Procedure Documentation (Nov. 19, 2007)




Description: Returns whether a folder exists and doesn’t have a period “.” at the start of its name
Input: path – the path to be tested (string)
Returns: 1 of valid, 0 if not
Note: This proc was created to prevent oP from mistaking folders like “.svn” for project folders


Description: Returns the number of workshops that exist for a shot, asset or component
Input: path – the full path of the shot, asset, component to check (string)
Returns: The number of workshops (int)


Description: Returns the version of the latest workshop for a given asset, component or shot
Input: path – the full path of the shot/asset/component to check (string)
Returns: The latest workshop version number (int)


Description: Returns all the xml data which is a child to the root element specific by “$tag”
Input: xml – The input xml with tags and data as separate entries in a string array (string array)
tag – the root element tag in the xml file (string)
Returns: A string array with each entry holding either an xml tag or data


Description: Checks if a given component has been mastered
Input: path – the full path of the component to check (string)
Returns: 0 if no master exists, non-zero integer otherwise.


Description: Parses an xml file and returns each tag and entry as a separate array entry
Input: xmlFile – the file to be evaluated (string)
Returns: A string array with each entry holding either an xml tag or data


Description: Returns the number of old mastered versions that exist for a shot, asset or component
Input: path – the full path of the shot, asset, component to check (string)
Returns: The number of versions (int)


Description: Returns all maya files in the asset library of the current project
Input: none
Returns: string array of filenames with full paths
Note: This procedure is only used by the “openPipelineUtilityUpdatePadding” proc


Description: Returns a non-negative integer as a string with padding
Input: num – input integer (int)
padding – the padding to apply (int)
Returns: The number as a padded string (an input of 12 and 4 yields “0012”)
Note: If the padding specified doesn’t exceed the number of digits in the number, no leading zeroes are addded


Description: Returns the current date
Input: none
Returns: The current date in the format MM/DD/YY (string)


Description: Returns the folder name at a given depth of a path
Input: path – the full path (string)
offsetFromLast – the depth of the folder, counting backwards from the deepest (string)
Returns: The name of the folder
Note: passing in 0 as the second parameter has the same function as the “basename” mel command


Description: Checks if a given asset has at least one workshop
Input: path – the full path of the asset to check (string)
Returns: 0 if no workshops exist, non-zero integer otherwise.


Description: XML tool
Input: xml – xml data (string)
tag – the tag to be searched for (string)
Returns: 1 if the string is the correct closing tag, 0 if not


Description: Updates filename padding for users upgrading from version 0.3 or below
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Checks if a string is a specific opening xml tag
Input: xml – the string to be evaluated (string)
tag – the name of the tag being tested (string)
Returns: 1 if the string is the correct opening tag, 0 if not


Description: Returns all of the version files for a given asset, component or shot
Input: path – the full path of the shot, asset, component to check (string)
Returns: A string array of the full paths to the version files


Description: Checks if a given component has at least one workshop
Input: path – the full path of the component to check (string)
Returns: 0 if no workshops exist, non-zero integer otherwise.


Description: Returns the version of an ma or mb file, assuming a padding of 4
Input: file – the filename (string)
Returns: The version of the file (int)
Note: This proc is designed to work with files that adhere to the numbering convention of openPipeline (e.g. “filename0034.mb”)


Description: Returns an integer from a padded string representation of a number
Input: numString – string to be “unpadded”
Returns: The number as an integer (an input of “00304” yields the integer 304)


Description: Checks if a given asset has been mastered
Input: path – the full path of the asset to check (string)
Returns: 0 if no master exists, non-zero integer otherwise.


Description: Returns all maya files in the shot library of the current project
Input: none
Returns: string array of filenames with full paths
Note: This procedure is only used by the “openPipelineUtilityUpdatePadding” proc


Description: XML tool – returns the data encapsulated by the opening and closing tags of an xml element
Input: xml – xml data (string)
tag – the tag to be searched for (string)
Returns: The data found (string)


Description: XML tool
Input: xml – xml data (string array)
tag – the tag to be searched for (string)
Returns: 1 if the string is the correct closing tag, 0 if not


Description: Returns all of the workshop files for a given asset, component or shot
Input: path – the full path of the shot, asset, component to check (string)
Returns: A string array of the full paths to the workshop files


Description: Returns the current time
Input: none
Returns: The current time (string)


Description: Updates the folder structure when updating from an oP version without Shot->Sequence functionality
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Checks if a given shot has been mastered
Input: path – the full path of the shot to check (string)
Returns: 0 if no master exists, non-zero integer otherwise.


Description: Returns the version of the most recent previously mastered version for a given asset, component or shot
Input: path – the full path of the shot, asset, component to check (string)
Returns: The latest master version number (int)


Description: Returns a note file for the asset/component/scene specified by “$inputMode” (see below)
Input: inputMode – ‘note’ (currently selected), ‘openednote'(currently open) or ‘newnote’ (newly created) (string)
Returns: The full path and filename for the appropriate note file (string)

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Description: Flattens the scene by importing all the referenced files
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Performs an action on the Asset currently selected in
“Available Assets” in the Shot Management tab (import, or reference)
Input: action – action to perform (‘reference’ or ‘import’) (string)
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not
Notes: The Action is always performed on the latest mastered version of the Asset


Description: Creates a new Asset under the currently selected Asset Type
Input: name – the name of the new Asset (string)
Returns: none


Description: Moves the files and folders under the selected item to the “deleted” folder
Input: category – the category of the item to be deleted: (‘type’,
‘asset’, ‘component’, ‘sequence’, ‘shot’, ‘shotComponent’) (string)
Returns: none


Description: Creates a new Sequence under the currently selected project
Input: name – the name of the new Sequence (string)
Returns: none


Description: Moves the files and folders under the selected item to the archive
Input: path – path of asset/component/shot (string)
Returns: none


Description: Performs an action on a Shot (open, import, or reference)
Input: type – ‘master’ or ‘workshop’ (string),
versionOffset – for opening previous workshop versions. 0 means latest version (int),
action – action to perform (‘open’, ‘import’, or ‘reference’) (string),
currentlyOpen – 1 to perform action on currently open Shot, 0 for currently selected Shot (int)
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not


Description: Saves a master for the currently open asset/component/shot/shot component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Saves a workshop for the currently open asset / component / shot / shot component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Creates a new Shot Component under the currently selected Shot
Input: name – the name of the new Component (string)
Returns: none


Description: Performs optional clean-up steps prior to mastering (flattens references, removes display layers)
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Creates a new Component under the currently selected Asset
Input: name – the name of the new Component (string)
Returns: none


Description: Creates a new Asset Type under the currently selected project
Input: name – the name of the new Asset Type (string)
Returns: none


Description: Performs an action on an Asset (open, import, or reference)
Input: type – ‘master’ or ‘workshop’ (string),
versionOffset – for opening previous workshop versions. 0 means latest version (int),
action – action to perform (‘open’, ‘import’, or ‘reference’) (string),
currentlyOpen – 1 to perform action on currently open Asset, 0 for currently selected Asset (int)
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not


Description: Creates a new Asset Shot under the currently selected Sequence
Input: name – the name of the new Asset Type (string)
Returns: none


Description: Saves the currently open Asset, Component, Shot or Shot Component
Input: saveType – ‘workshop’ or ‘master’ (string)
Returns: none
Notes: this procedure will:
-call “openPipelineSaveWorkshop” and/or “openPipelineSaveMaster” for actual file operations
-call “openPipelineAssetNoteWriter” for updating the appropriate note file
-call “openPipelineLoadCurrentAssetNote” for displaying the updated notes
-call “openPipeline____Action” to open the file which was just saved


Description: Moves files and folders back from the archive
Input: path – path of asset/component/shot (string)
Returns: none


Description: Performs an action on a Shot Component(open, import, or reference)
Input: type – ‘master’ or ‘workshop’ (string),
versionOffset – for opening previous workshop versions. 0 means latest version (int),
action – action to perform (‘open’, ‘import’, or ‘reference’) (string),
currentlyOpen – 1 to perform action on currently open Shot Component, 0 for currently selected Shot Component (int)
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not


Description: Performs an action on a Component (open, import, or reference)
Input: type – ‘master’ or ‘workshop’ (string),
versionOffset – for opening previous workshop versions. 0 means latest version (int),
action – action to perform (‘open’, ‘import’, or ‘reference’) (string),
currentlyOpen – 1 to perform action on currently open Component, 0 for currently selected Component (int)
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not

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Description: Finds all the mel files in a path (and potentially subpath) and sources them
Input: path – The path to look in (string)
Returns: none


Description: Sets the text for the script path text field
Input: path – The path to set the field to (string)
type – Not used (string)
Returns: none
Note: Called directly by the browse file dialog


Description: Sets up the Project File Path and the Script Path depending on user input
This method checks the user’s input for validity
and then edits the ‘openPipeline.mel’ script to reflect the changes
to global variables $openPipeline_projectFilePath and $openPipeline_scriptPath
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Sets the text for the project file path text field
Input: path – The path to set the field to (string)
type – Not used (string)
Returns: none
Note: Called directly by the browse file dialog


Description: Checks if the given folder is a valid script path
a valid script path contains the file ‘openPipeline.mel’
and contains a folder name ‘openPipeline’
Input: folder – The path to be checked (string)
Returns: 1 if path is a valid script path, 0 if not (int)


Description: Main openPipeline procedure
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Creates the openPipeline Setup UI
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Checks if the given folder is a valid project path
The path needs to be an existing path.
Input: folder – The path to be checked (string)
Returns: 1 if path is valid, 0 if not (int)


Description: Toggles the text field for setting the project file path between Default and Custom
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Checks of the given file is readable and writeable
This is used to check if the openPipeline.mel file can be read and edited.
Input: filename – Full path to the file to be checked (string)
Returns: 1 if file is readable and writeable, 0 if not (int)

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Description: Updates the Pop-up menus of the Asset list
Input: assetPath – the path of the currently selected Asset (string)
Returns: none


Description: Updates the Description box in the Asset Management tab
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the currently selected Component
Input: none
Returns: A full path to the Component selected. An empty string is returned if none is selected. (string)


Description: Clears the description of the currently selected Asset or Component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates list of asset types in the “Available Assets” section of the Shot Management Tab
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the currently selected Sequence
Input: none
Returns: A full path to the Sequence selected. An empty string is returned if none is selected. (string)


Description: Returns the Asset selected under the Available Assets list of the Shot Management tab
Input: none
Returns: A string representing the full path to the Asset selected. Empty string is returned if no Asset is selected.


Description: Reads the user input from the Revive window and calls the appropriate file operation to revive an old Workshop.
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for Mastering
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the list of Asset Types in the UI
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the online Help for oP
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Clears the description of the currently selected Shot or Shot Component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is run whenever a new Project is selected. In
turn, it updates all UI elements below the project level.
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the list of Sequences in the UI
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the currently selected Shot Component
Input: none
Returns: A full path to the Shot Component selected. An empty string is returned if none is selected. (string)


Description: This proc is called whenever a Component is selected. It
updates all the UI affected by what Component is currently selected.
Input: preserveSelection – none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the Pop-up menus of the Shot list
Input: shotPath – the path of the currently selected Shot (string)
Returns: none


Description: Closes secondary oP windows
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for creating a new Asset
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the currently selected Asset
Input: none
Returns: A full path to the Asset selected. An empty string is returned if none is selected. (string)


Description: This proc is called whenever an Asset Type is selected
from the Available Assets section of the Shot Managment Tab.
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is called whenever a Shot is selected in the UI.
In turn, it updates all the UI elements affected by what Shot is
Input: preserveSelection – whether currently selected items should still be selected after updating (int)
Returns: none


Description: Returns the currently selected Shot
Input: none
Returns: A full path to the Shot selected. An empty string is returned if none is selected. (string)


Description: Updates list of shots in the UI
Input: preserveSelection – whether the current selected item in the list should still be selected after updating (int)
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for Saving a Workshop
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for creating a new Asset Type
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for creating a new Shot
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is called whenever a Shot Component is selected.
It updates all the UI affected by what Shot Component is currently
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is called whenever an Asset Type is selected. It updates all the UI elements below the Asset Type level.
Input: preserveSelection – whether previously selected items should still be selected after the update (int)
Returns: none


Description: Closes all oP-related windows
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the UI to reflect user-defined names for “workshop” and “master”
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Saves the user-specified description of the currently selected Shot or Shot Component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the Pop-up menus of the Component list
Input: componentPath – the path of the currently selected Component (string)
Returns: none


Description: Saves the user-specified description of the currently selected Asset or Component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the currently selected Asset Types
Input: none
Returns: A string array, with each entry representing a full path to
the Asset Type selected. Empty array is returned if no Asset Type is


Description: Creates the Archive UI
Input: type – the type of the item being archived (‘asset’, ‘component’, ‘shotComponent’, ‘shot’) (string)
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for creating a new Component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for creating a new Shot Component
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the “Currently Open” displays on both “Asset Management” and “Shot Management” tabs
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the optionVar which keeps track of which tab is currently active
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for creating a new Sequence
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Shows the “About” window, with information and credits
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the Description box in the Shot Management tab
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is called whenever an Asset is selected from the Available Assets section of the Shot Managment Tab.
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is called whenever an Asset is selected. It updates all the UI elements below the Asset level.
Input: preserveSelection – Whether previously selected items should still be selected after the update (int)
Returns: none


Description: Launches the UI for Reviving an old Workshop
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the Pop-up menus of the ShotComponent list
Input: componentPath – the path of the currently selected Shot Component (string)
Returns: none


Description: Builds the main oP UI
Input: none
Returns: none

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Description: Refreshes the notes in the Revive Workshop dialog depending on the version the user has selected.
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Counts the number of note entries for a specific item
Input: inputPath – the path of the item to query
Returns: The number of note entries (int)


Description: Read all notes of a specified item
Input: inputPath – The note path of the item to be queried (string)
Returns: A string array with each entry representing a note


Description: Read all notes that match a particular version
Input: allTheNotes – All the notes to be considered (string array)
version – The version to look for (int)
Returns: A string array with the notes that match the given version (in XML format)
Note: This proc has the same functionality as “openPipelineReadNotesByVersion”
but it takes in the actual notes as an input rather than a path to the note file.


Description: Clears the “Most Recent Action” section of the Shot Management tab
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the “History” section of the Asset Management tab, depending on what item is currently selected
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Create a description file for an item
Input: path – The path of the item for which to create the description (string)
Returns: none


Description: Removes the white space from a string and adds escape characters to
Input: nextLine – The line to clean (string)
Returns: The cleaned line as a string


Description: Gets the description for an item
Input: path – The path of the item to query (string)
Returns: The description (string)


Description: Read all notes that describe a particular event
Input: inputPath – The note path for the item to be queried (string)
type – The type of event to look for (created, workshop, etc.) (string)
Returns: A string array with the notes that match the given event (in XML format)


Description: Formats notes in XML format to be displayed
Input: inputPath – the path of the notes
Returns: A string array with each entry representing a Note in display format


Description: Get the latest note for a specific asset/component/shot
Input: inputPath – the path to the item (string)
Returns: A string array with entry 0 containing the appropriate note


Description: Read all notes that match a particular type
Input: inputPath – The note path for the item to be queried (string)
type – The type to look for (creation, workshop, master, etc.) (string)
Returns: A string array with the notes that match the given type (in XML format)


Description: Creates a new note
Input: inputMode – The mode of the note to be created (creation, missing, etc.) (string)
Returns: 1 if successful (int)


Description: Clears the “Most Recent Action” section of the Asset Management tab
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Change the file permission in Windows
Input: inputMode – + set, – clean, R read-Only, H hidden (string)
inputPath – The path to apply the permission on (string)
Returns: none


Description: Read all notes that match a particular version
Input: inputPath – The note path for the item to be queried (string)
version – The version to look for (int)
Returns: A string array with the notes that match the given version (in XML format)


Description: Formats an XML note to be displayed
Input: line – the note in XML(string)
Returns: A string with the note in display mode


Description: Set the description of an item
Input: path – The path of the item for which to set the description (string)
newDescription – The new description (string)
Returns: none


Description: Reads an individual note
Input: inputPath – the note path of the item (string)
index – the index of the individual note to return
Returns: A string with the specified note


Description: Updates the “Most Recent Action” section of the Shot Management tab, depending on what item is currently open
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the “History” section of the Shot Management tab, depending on what item is currently selected
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Updates the “Most Recent Action” section of the Asset Management tab, depending on what item is currently open
Input: none
Returns: none

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Description: This proc is
called by the file browser dialog. It sets the appropriate text field
to the path the user has chosen.
Input: path – the path chosen by the user (string)
type – not used (string)
Returns: none


Description: Opens the Edit Project Dialog
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the the names and paths of all existing projects
Input: none
Returns: A string array with even entries containing project names and odd entries containing their corresponding paths


Description: Returns the data for a single project in XML
Input: projName – the name of the project to query (string)
Returns: A string containing the full data of a project in XML


Description: Performs the actions specified by the project dialog box
Input: mode – 0 for creating a new project, 1 for editing an existing project (int)
editProjName – the new project name (if in edit mode) (string)
Returns: none


Description: Removes the currently selected project
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Returns the full path of the Project File
Input: none
Returns: The full path of the Project File (string)


Description: This proc is called whenever a project is selected in the
Project UI. It queries and displays the appropriate info.
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: This proc is called by the file browser dialog. It sets
the appropriate text field to the path the user has chosen.
Input: path – the path chosen by the user (string)
type – not used (string)
Returns: none


Description: Closes the Project UI
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Opens the oP Project UI
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Opens the New Project Dialog
Input: none
Returns: none


Description: Opens the Project Dialog Window. This is used either for creating a new project or editing an existing project.
Input: mode – 0 for creating a new project, 1 for editing an existing project (int)
Returns: none


Description: Rewrites the project xml file with the data it is passed as a string array
Input: A string array, with each entry containing the data of the project in an xml file
Returns: none

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This file was created by the script.

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